Eroma Page 6
“Relieved. I can’t say I love her, but I do like her, and know she needs the money if she can win.”
“She does.”
“I don’t know if You’re my friend or enemy, but thanks for telling me. If I don’t win, I hope she does.”
Demi nodded. “I think I be not thy enemy any more.” She squeezed his hand, reassuringly. “Go on about thy business.”
He hesitated. “I—I asked Ailene to let me kiss her and feel her, and she did. Would you—”
She stepped into him, smiling. He kissed her again, and this time she kissed him back with feeling. He stroked her bottom, and his penis twitched.
“Maybe when the Game be done,” she murmured, reaching down to give it a gentle tweak. “I understand all the avatars get together, before they exit the Game, and sex be not competitive. It be just for fun.”
“I’d like that,” he agreed, giving her bottom a final pat.
Then he faced the castle, ready for the next challenge.
There was a portcullis, and an Amazon guard beside it. This one was a little winged Faerie, but he did not let that fool him. She was also a warrior, dedicated to his defeat. Her name tag said: FLORA.
That was an F name, the same as Fotina. There were a few duplicate letters. Not that it mattered.
“Come to me, Flora,” he said, grabbing for her.
She flew straight up, eluding him. “Forget it, mush for brains.”
He looked up. She was now hovering above him, vertically, her legs parted so that he could see right into her bare crotch. She was probably teasing him, just to be difficult. It was effective; he very much wanted to get into that cute groove. His penis was already standing tall.
He jumped, reaching up to catch her by one ankle. He hauled her down, hand over hand, while she fluttered desperately, trying to get up and away.
When he reached her juncture, he put his face in it and kissed her vulva. She continued to struggle, wrapping her legs about his head and squeezing his ears. He tickled her bottom. She exclaimed and released him. He brought her down further, and kissed her breasts. That wasn’t effective either. She caught his head with her two hands and pressed it into her bosom, trying to smother him. He tickled the sides of her breasts, and she squealed and let go again. Finally, he reached her face, and kissed it. She fastened her mouth on his and started sucking the air out of him. It was magic, and effective because of its surprise. In a moment he invoked his magic protection. It wedged her face out from his face, and he could breathe again.
“Thou canst beat me anyway not,” she said. “I’ll show thee.” She lifted herself just enough, oriented, and settled her cleft down on his standing member. She took it in.
Was she giving up that easily? He did not trust this. But it would be foolish not to follow through, in case it was a bluff to make him withdraw and forfeit.
He thrust boldly, achieving full depth. Somehow, he missed the cervix. He pulled back, and thrust again, holding her in place with his hands on her slender, yet nicely padded hips. He thrust a third time, as hard and deep as he could, and still did not find her trigger. She was small; how deep could she be?
“Give up?” she asked. “I told thee thou couldst plumb me not, thou stupid man.”
He tried again, withdrawing almost completely, then thrusting with all his force. His member went straight through to the bottom of the hole—and out beyond.
What? Belatedly, Pedro got smart. He invoked his illusion magic, not to fashion illusion, but to dispel it. He focused on where his penis entered her body.
It wasn’t in her vagina. It was sliding up between her buttocks, which were surrounding it and closing tightly on it. She had made it seem as if he were penetrating one part of her, when actually he was angling away from it.
“No matter how deep thou pushest, thou canst get there not,” she said smugly.
She didn’t realize that he had fathomed her ruse. “I’ll just have to keep trying,” he said grimly.
He thrust again, withdrew again, and this time pulled all the way out and slid forward to her true cleft. He found her vagina, lodged, and jammed in.
“Wretch!” she shrieked in outrage. “Thou canst go there not!”
“I can try.” He held her firmly and pushed slowly upward.
It was not to be that easy. Her vagina closed in the manner the others had, barring his progress. He was in deep enough for her to clench on his member, forcing it to react. Much more of this, and she would force his premature climax.
He had to find the loosening trigger. What could it be?
“Thou canst win anyway not,” she said. “Thou be man enough not.”
She was a very pretty Faerie, but she was annoying him. He thrust again, but only succeeded in stimulating himself further.
He held her in place against him, and kissed her mouth. That wasn’t it. He lowered his head and kissed her breasts. No luck. He tickled her bottom. She squealed, ticklish, but her vagina did not relax.
What could trigger a Faerie? He had exchanged with one in the first round, but she had been perfectly ordinary except for her wings, which had not been functional because she had, at that point, lacked the magic to make them work. They had nevertheless been sensitive, and she had insisted on being on top, so they would not get crushed against the ground. That seemed reasonable. He might push Flora down on the ground, and make her hurt, but what would be the point? He didn’t want to hurt her, but to trigger her orgasm.
Her wings fluttered futilely, their fringes sometimes touching his head as they moved. These were functional, as she had demonstrated, but they were for flying, not sex.
Or were they?
He let go of her hips, pressing her against the bars of the portcullis to keep her in place. He reached around her to catch her wings, pulling them forward.
“Hey!” she screeched. “What be thou doing, thou pervert?”
He brought the tips of her wings to his face. He kissed their white feathers.
“Oh!” she cried despairingly as her vagina relaxed.
He thrust on in and made the connection. The orgasm was upon them. He held her close while they experienced the intensity of it, he standing, she supported by his hands and embedded penis.
“What betrayed me?” she asked as it passed.
“You depended on sight illusion rather than tactile illusion. I felt my tip project beyond your ass cheeks. I knew you couldn’t have a second opening to your vagina. So I used my magic to penetrate your visual illusion and confirmed it. As for the wings—I guessed. Nothing else was working.”
“Well, thou didst win,” she agreed, resigned.
There was a rumbling as the portcullis lifted, granting him access to the castle proper.
He lifted her off his slackening member and set her on her feet. “Would you let me kiss you and feel you, before I go?”
“Why? We be done here.”
“This is a game. I like to think that we’re competitors, not enemies. That we can part friends, or at least people who might like to interact socially if we had the chance. You’re a pretty creature, and I’m an appreciative man.”
She cocked her head, considering. “Do I get to do it to thee too?”
“Yes, if you wish.”
She spread her wings, flapped, and hovered before him. She glided forward, extended her face, and kissed him. He stroked her behind. She reached around to stroke his. It was a very nice kiss.
“Thank you,” he said as she drew away.
“Thou be an odd one,” she said as she flew up and away.
Pedro walked through the gateway. The portcullis clanked down behind him. It seemed he was committed to this avenue.
The passage led to a central courtyard with a fountain. The pool filled the chamber. The only way forward was to wade though it. There did not seem to be any vicious fish or reptiles in the water.
He walked into the pool. The floor angled down steeply. Soonhe was waist deep, then chest deep. Then he had to swim. That was n
o problem, as long as there were no water monsters.
A shape loomed before him. He paused, treading water. It was a girl with the tail of a fish. A mermaid!
“Thou mayst pass not,” she said. Her name tag said: MELA.
He had not expected this. An Amazon mermaid!
“Before thou dost ask, I will answer,” she said. “I be named after a fantasy mermaid in some cheap novel.”
That had not been his question, though perhaps it should have been. What actually came out of his mouth was pretty stupid. “How can you spread your legs, when you have none?”
She laughed, and her breasts splashed in the surface. “I spread them not. I bend over so thou canst have at me from behind. But I will do it not unless thou dost find the key to make me.”
“I didn’t see a mermaid avatar in the listing.”
“It be a special role for this setting. I was an Elf in the first round.”
“Do we have to fight in the water? I don’t know how long I can hold my breath.”
“This be a Game setting. Thou canst breathe under the water. Try it.”
He put his face down and sucked in some water, expecting to gag. It didn’t happen. He was able to breathe, despite the feeling of the water against his face. “Okay,” he said, relieved.
“This bit thou dost with the girls: before or after?”
Apparently, word was spreading. That meant the Amazons were in communication with each other. “Before, if you wish.”
She twitched her tail and was abruptly up against him. She kissed him. He reached around her to cup her upper tail, and found nice buttocks. He wasn’t sure whether they were illusion, or the tail was, but concluded that it didn’t matter.
“Thank you,” he said.
“This distinguishes thee from the other men,” she said. “They seem to want any personal relationship not, just the sex.”
“Well, sex is what it takes to win.”
She put a finger against his lips reprovingly. “There be a difference. Thou dost care about people. Even opponents.”
“It’s one of my many weaknesses.”
“It becomes thee. There must be a woman in thy ancestry.”
He laughed. “You have found me out!”
“We had better get started,” she said regretfully. “Now we be opponents.”
“We are,” he agreed. He grabbed for her, but she flicked her tail and swam away. He pursued, swimming so that the center of the pool was behind him. She swam to the side. He moved to intercept her. She reversed, and so did he. Gradually he herded her toward an alcove at the edge of the pool, so that she had no further room to escape. He could not help noticing how slender yet shapely her upper body was, how her hair flared out even when wet, and how efficiently her tail moved her. She was a pretty thing, regardless of species.
At last she faced him, her back to the rim. “Thou be not as dull as thou lookest,” she said.
“I certainly hope not!”
She laughed, and her wet breasts bounced enticingly. They were not large, but were perfectly shaped. “Actually, thou be one handsome man, even if thou dost lack a tail.”
It was the magic of the avatar form, won in the first round. Of course she knew that. He closed on her, and this time she did not try to escape. He put his hands on her narrow waist, drew her in, and kissed her mouth. “You did not turn your face aside,” he said.
“None of us do,” she said. “When thou dost go for a kiss, we have to meet it. It be a rule of engagement.”
He realized that was true. The other Amazons had resisted him, but never foiled a direct kiss. “But you don’t have to let me catch you?”
“There needest be some challenge.”
The kiss on the mouth had not immobilized her, and he knew he would not be able to hold her lithe slippery body in position until he pacified her. He lifted her half out of the water and kissed her breasts.
“Oh, do that when we meet in off-time,” she said. “It really turns me on.”
Which was her way of saying that he had not turned her off, which was the state he needed her in. She was sprightly and pleasant, but she was indeed opposing him.
He held her close and slid his hands down to her bottom. He probed between the cheeks of her buttocks. She did have a crevice there, but he could not reach her vulva. He tickled her buttocks, but she did not react. Still, there might be a trigger. He turned her around, lifted her again, and put his face to her bottom. He kissed the crevice, as far in as her could reach.
“That, too,” she said. “Thou must be some lover in real life!”
He had tried her three most female aspects without success. What remained?
Then he remembered the Faerie’s wings. He dropped down under the water, caught the tip of Mela’s tail, and kissed it.
She went limp. He had found it!
“Oh, well,” she said as he surfaced.
“You’re some piece of tail.”
“Thank thee. Thou hadst better lay me on the floor, because I can swim not well enough now to stay afloat, and I do need to breathe.”
Lay her on the floor. A double meaning?
The pool was shallow here. He stood about chest deep and took hold of her again. He lifted her out of the water and set her down on the rim, then all the way back until she lay on the floor. She was just as shapely that way as when she was swimming.
He joined her on the floor. He needed her bent over, so he could get access to her vulva. The trigger could be anything he had tried before, or something else.
He kissed her mouth again. She returned the kiss, but did not bend. He kissed her breasts again. She inhaled, expanding them against his face, but did not bend. He turned her over and kissed her bottom. No luck.
So it wasn’t mouth contact. He lay behind her and put his penis to her bottom. He couldn’t enter, but could rub it against her flesh. When that failed, he slid up and put it to her face. She took it into her mouth and sucked on it but that wasn’t the trigger either. He moved again and pressed it to her tail. Nothing. He was running out of options.
Frustrated, he touched his penis to her breasts. He gently squeezed them against it, it disappeared within the forming cleavage. She abruptly bent her tail forward. “I thought thou wouldst get there never,” she said.
Aha! He lay behind her and guided his member into her exposed vagina. It tightened to the point of obstruction. He could not penetrate far enough. He still had one trigger to go.
He stroked her breasts with his free hand. They were wonderfully evocative, but her vagina did not relent. He lifted his head and kissed her ear. “Oh, that be so romantic!” she breathed. Still tight.
What remained except words? “I love you,” he whispered in her ear. It was a standard ploy, in or out of the game, not meant to be taken seriously.
Her vagina relaxed.
He drove in, connected, and they were in the throes of the orgasm. He had passed another hurdle.
They ebbed. “I dare thee to repeat those words outside the contest,” Mela said.
“You know I can’t. If I truly love anyone in the game, it’s Fotina.”
“That will do.” She turned her face and kissed him passionately. “She be worth thy while.”
“Surely so,” he agreed as his penis emerged. Why were the Amazons so interested in his possible romance with Fotina?
“It’s that we love romance,” she said, fathoming his thought. “You two seem well matched, even if thou be the oldest man in the game and she, the youngest woman.” She slid back into the water.
“We are?” he asked, surprised. “I’m 29.”
“Which be the upper limit. She be just 18. Thou didst not know?”
“I didn’t, though I suppose I should have. I knew she was inexperienced.”
“But she’s smart and a natural player. The way she uses her magic—” She broke off. “Hmm, I be saying too much. Thou hast to get on to thy next rendezvous.”
“I do,” he agreed. “You know, I do like
you, from what little I know of you. Will you kiss me again?”
“What, again?” she asked as if shocked. She was teasing. She moved to the edge and lifted her face as he put his down, and they kissed. “Good luck, Pedro.”
“Thanks.” He stood, turned about, and walked on into the castle.
The passage led to a grand stone stairway. He mounted it, and came to a nicely furnished chamber.
“Well, now,” a voice said.
“Fresh meat,” another said.
They were two Amazons, Nordic and Moor, named Essie and Gina. One was a statuesque blonde, the other a sultry dark haired creature. Both were large, lovely, and predatory.
“Two at once?” he asked, dismayed.
“So it seems,” Essie said, advancing on him from the right side. “Hast thou not had enough of faeries and mermaids?”
“What did thou expect?” Gina asked, advancing on the left. “Continued easy challenges?”
Pedro didn’t like this. He started to turn, but Essie grabbed him by the shoulders and held his back firmly against her breasts. Gina stepped into him, flattening her own breasts against his chest, and kissed him. Sandwiched between them, he couldn’t help reacting. How could he take on two Amazons simultaneously?
“Relax and enjoy it,” Essie said.
Gina withdrew slightly and took hold of his rising penis. “What do we have here?” she asked.
“Didst thou find something?” Essie asked. “Fancy that.”
“I wonder what it’s for?” Gina asked rhetorically.
“Play with it,” Essie suggested. “Make it speak.”
“Good idea.” Gina massaged his member with knowledgeable authority, and it became fully hard. She dropped to her knees and put her mouth to it. She licked the head tantalizingly, then took it in and sucked on it.
They were going to make him spout before he ever had a chance to tackle them!
Pedro heaved forward, bringing Essie to her toes, then shoved back, pushing her against the wall. Her grip on him slackened. He caught Gina’s head and hauled it off his penis. Then he turned around, pinned Essie against the wall, and jammed his member at her crotch.
The ploy failed. Her legs were straight. He could not get between them.
Meanwhile Gina tackled him from behind, shoving him into Essie. She reached between his legs from behind and caught his penis again, while Essie held him tight against her.