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“Yes. Now we can exchange in privacy.”
He hesitated. “I accept intellectually that we are private. But emotionally I feel exposed. And it seems my emotion governs my physical reaction.” He glanced down meaningfully at his limp penis.
“May I?” she asked, reaching for his member.
“Be my guest,” he said, smiling. “If you can rouse it, you can have it.”
She took the penis and gently massaged it. It did not respond. She put her mouth to it, licking the head. Still no response. She took it into her mouth, applying what she had so recently learned from Brand. She sucked. Now it responded, expanding slightly. “See,” she said.
“Nevertheless, I fear it’s a lost cause.”
She returned to her effort, taking it in farther. She sucked harder. She was rewarded by further enlargement, though it remained soft. She continued, and it continued, slowly achieving a more respectable stature.
“I fear it will fade the moment you stop the immediate stimulus,” Dylan said. “It is only your persistent attention that makes it respond.”
She feared he was correct, because the moment she paused, it did lose firmness. She increased her suction, trying to get it hard enough to last the few seconds that would be required to get it into her vagina.
The extra attention was effective, and the member became respectably firm. She made one final effort, thrusting her mouth down all the way to the base of it. She was taking the whole of it in!
The head of it came up against her uvula at the back of her mouth, touching her throat. And suddenly she was in orgasm.
What? How could this be? Yet she could tell by the pulsing of the member and the rigidity of Dylan’s body that he was sharing it. Actually, that might not be surprising, because it was his penis being stimulated. But she—how could she get her orgasm when there was no contact with her cervix?
“Your uvula!” Dilan gasped while in the throes of it. “Another contact point! The game allows oral sex to culmination too!”
More than one trigger. That did make sense. Why have oral sex if it was a dead end? So, to their mutual surprise, she had brought them to a mutual climax.
The orgasm ran its course and faded, and they both relaxed. Fotina realized that she had made a significant discovery. Just as there were a number of places and ways to find privacy, there was more than one way to achieve an orgasm. All a player had to do was be inventive enough to discover the different routes.
She was pretty sure that she could survive this round.
Chapter 2:
Maiden Heaven
Pedro found himself standing on a road leading to a fancily moated castle. It was beautiful, built on a small rocky mountain on an island in the water, with a solid outer wall, and a higher inner wall, and lofty turrets in the center. A flag flew from it with the words MAIDEN CASTLE. It was his challenge to invade that castle and reach the highest turret, where the Queen resided, and forcibly seduce her. The term “rape” was not employed in the Game, because all women were either competitive player avatars or animated androids. But there would not be the voluntary kind of sex here that existed in the first round. He would have to fight, literally, for sex, and only through sex would he prevail.
He was equipped. He was now a handsome, muscular, healthy, naked warrior, possessing all the avatar traits he had exchanged for in the first round. Could he employ them all? He glanced at the ground, focusing. A small smiley face formed there, magic illusion. Good enough. But he knew that using magic would be only part of what he needed to win, and with a limit of one type of magic at a time, he would be foolish to depend on it too heavily. He would be better off depending on Luck, since that was a real factor here, and could help him in unanticipated ways. And, of course, his muscle, charm, and wits.
He advanced on the castle. He saw the serpentine head of a large moat monster lift from the water. There would be no swimming across. There was a drawbridge. It was raised. There was a small structure beside the road where a female guard stood. Obviously he would have to deal with her to get the bridge lowered.
She stepped out as he arrived. She was a large, muscular woman with flowing black hair and huge breasts. “Begone, stranger,” she said. “Thou shalt not enter these demesnes.”
That confirmed the archaic fantasy nature of this setting. Language was always a tip-off. “Ah, but I insist,” Pedro said.
“Then needs I must slay thee, thou presumptuous impostor.” She raised her hands in a wrestling stance. She had no other weapon.
There was something about her. “Ailene!” he said, reading her name tag. “You made it through?”
She grimaced. “Nay. I got eliminated. Couldn’t quite manage enough exchanges. But I scored well enough to continue as an opposition avatar, and That’s worth something. I’ll get a point when I stop thee.” She glanced down at herself. “Nice body, no?”
“Magnificent,” he agreed.
“Well, let’s get to it. We be opponents now, and I won’t give thee anything free. Thou needs must take it by force.”
“If I understand correctly, I will have to have sex with you, and you won’t cooperate.”
“Thou hast it correct,” she agreed.
“This time it will be no joke when you rebuff my patting your bottom.”
“No joke,” she agreed. “I have to confess thou wert a good guy. Thou helped us all get ahead. If I had it to do over, I’d give thee all the bottom thou wantst. But I still had some real-life scruples. I be sorry. Had I been more lenient, I might have gotten the one more exchange I needed to qualify for this round.”
That moved Pedro, oddly. “I’m sorry you didn’t make it, too. You facilitated our exchange, and I appreciate it.” He paused, assessing her pale Nordic beauty. Her breasts were giant wonders, her thighs were massive, her waist small. She was truly of hourglass configuration. Her flaring long hair coursed down across her shoulders to form a partial yellow cloak about her upper section, teasingly enhancing it. Obviously she had acquired Appearance, and probably Health. “I have a foolish idea. Will you let me pat your lovely bottom now, no Game advantage intended, before we get down to business?”
She considered fleetingly. “Yes. May I kiss thee when thou dost so?”
He took her in his arms, pressing her close so that those marvelous breasts flattened against his chest, and kissed her. He dropped his hands to her bottom, giving it a good pat and feel. It was delightful.
She did the same, taking two handfuls of his buttocks and massaging them. She shifted her body slightly, so that her breasts stroked against him. He had been flaccid, considering their dialogue public, but this made him react. His penis swelled.
She let go and stepped back. “Penetration wasn’t included, in our spot deal,” she said.
“I know. You just—You’re a sexy creature.”
“Thank thee. It be a nice smooch. Now we had better get serious. Thou dost not have all day.”
“I don’t,” he agreed. “I appreciate that you did not try to harm me when my guard was down.”
“Was it down?” she asked, glancing at his now-standing member.
He laughed at the double entendre. “No. I had a magic guard against sneak attack, just in case. I’m glad I didn’t have to use it.”
“Sneak attacks be not permitted in this round. Amazons lie not.” She smiled at the second double meaning. “Combat be open and straightforward. No sucker punches, no biting, just regular boxing and wrestling. But trust that not, once we engage. I just wanted to apologize for my prior attitude, in my fashion.”
“Accepted.” He took a breath. His member remained standing; evidently there was not the same privacy rule here. “Ready?”
He jumped forward, catching her wrists in his hands. She was an Amazon, but he was a trait-enhanced man, as strong as she. What mattered was which one of them made better use of the traits, in combat.
She brought up her knee, but he was
already turning to block the blow. He pushed her back, hooking her standing leg, so that she had to fall on the turf. She landed with a whomp, he on top, his groin pressing against hers inside her lifted leg. He kissed her mouth.
She went limp. “Damn,” she said.
“What happened?”
“Thou hast first to disable us, then spread our legs, then penetrate to our turnoff switch. Each one be different. Mine be the kiss during combat. Thou hast disabled my fighting ability.”
As she had said, Amazons did not lie. He had, pretty much by chance, accomplished the first part of a three-part challenge. Probably this first opponent was easy, to acquaint him with the system; others would not be.
“What’s next?” he asked.
She laughed. “I told thee: spread my legs. Thou canst not get into me otherwise. Naturally I will not tell thee how.”
“They are spread.” He realized as he said it that she had lowered her knee, straightened her leg, and gone rigid from the waist down. Her limpness was selective.
He got off her and addressed her legs, which were now locked together. He put his hands on her knees to pry them apart, but they were like knobs on logs, immovable. He tried her feet, but they would not separate either. He tried bracing one of his feet against one of hers, and hauling on the other with both hands, with no success. He had disabled her combat mode, but not her resistance. Her legs were beyond his strength.
He put one hand to her crotch and tried to slide a finger into her vagina. He could not reach it; it was secure between her legs. He rolled her over and tried from behind, poking between her generous buttocks. He could reach only as far as her rectum, which did not exist; avatars did not need to eat or eliminate. Her hole remained secure. There might have been some give in a real woman, but this was an avatar, crafted to perform exactly as designed.
He turned her back over, lay on her and kissed her again. She kissed him back appreciatively, but her legs did not loosen. “I’d let thee if I could, Pedro,” she said. “I like thee. But I can oblige thee not.”
He considered. If an ordinary kiss accomplished one part of it, some other regular act of love or sex should accomplish another part of it. He kissed her breasts. They were wonderfully plush, but her legs remained locked.
Then he kissed her left nipple, and sucked on it. It expanded—and her legs parted. He had found the second key!
“Congratulations,” she murmured. “I’m rooting for thee, really I am, but I have not yet begun to fight.”
He got on her and poked his stiff penis cautiously into her vagina. All he had to do now was penetrate deep enough to reach her cervix-switch, and she would be defeated. Why did she think he could not do that?
Her vagina contracted, closing tightly about his half-embedded member. He pushed harder, but so did she, and the pressure was such that his penis got squeezed out. Her channel was thoroughly lubricated and completely slippery, which in this case, prevented him from staying in or achieving any depth. It was like squeezing a slippery pumpkin seed between thumb and finger: it soon popped out.
His member was stiff and ready. There was an avenue there, and he meant to forge into it. He reentered and pressed forward with all the weight of his body, and penetrated farther.
Ailene came alive. She wrapped her arms and legs about him, lifted her head, and kissed him passionately. That excited him, and he felt the first stirring of his climax.
“If thou dost get thy orgasm before thou reacheth my internal switch, thou dost lose,” she murmured, kissing him again. “I will, of course, encourage thee to do that.” Her vagina squeezed rhythmically.
Oops! If he let it proceed, encouraged by her tight avenue, he would indeed climax. But if he withdrew, he would have to start over again. What could he do?
There must be a third trigger he could employ, if he could find it in time. What could it be?
The kiss and been the first. The nipple the second. Maybe the third would be farther down.
He rolled them both over so that she lay on top of him. He put his hands on her bottom to knead her buttocks again. Nothing happened. He pushed a finger down to find where his rod connected to her hole. That excited him more, but not her. He reached farther, to his limit, finding her clitoris. Still nothing. The switch was not there.
He lifted his hands and used the tips of his fingers, delicately tickling her bottom. Some women were excruciatingly ticklish there.
She burst out laughing. Her belly jerked, and her breasts lifted and dropped back against him. And her vagina relaxed.
He shoved the rest of the way in and found her cervix. He jammed against the switch.
They were both in the orgasm. She kissed him madly as the thirty second siege passed. She did, indeed, seem pleased that he had succeeded.
As the mutual climax faded, they both relaxed. There was a sound. “What’s that?” he asked, fearing an attack.
“The drawbridge,” she replied. “Thou defeatest me, and what I guard is no longer a barrier to thee. Good job, Pedro.” She kissed him once more. “Congratulations, again, warrior.”
They separated and got back to their feet. Sure enough, the drawbridge was descending. He would be allowed across the moat to the castle, where more challenges surely awaited.
“Thanks. It was nice,” he said.
“Good luck.” She resumed her stance by the guard tower.
Pedro’s penis had subsided when he had the orgasm with Ailene. Now it rose again. Evidently the fifteen minute recovery rule did not apply in this round; he could have sex as rapidly as he could get new partners for it.
He walked across the bridge. At the other end another Amazon barred his way. He did not recognize this one; she must have been among those remaining on the mainland, most of whom were eliminated. He hoped Fotina wasn’t among them.
“Halt, stranger!” the Amazon called. She was Nubian, black from head to toe, statuesque, with a name tag saying: DEMI. “Thou shalt not penetrate here without settling with me.” More double meanings; the Game programmers, evidently, had a wry sense of humor.
Pedro didn’t halt. He leaped forward, catching her about the waist in a tackle, bearing her down to the pavement. He pinned her and quickly kissed her.
She grabbed his hair with one hand and yanked his head back. She knocked his shoulder with her free hand, pushing him over. She rolled and landed on top of him, upright, her knees pinning his elbows down. She smacked him across the face, snarling.
Obviously she had not been pacified.
Pedro jerked his upper section up so that her knees slid off. He slid partly out from under her, still lifting his head and shoulders. His face smacked into her ample bosom. He caught one nipple in his mouth and sucked vigorously on it.
She caught his head again and hauled it back down to the pavement. Again, she had not been disabled. She worked herself forward so she could use her knees to pin him down again. Her thighs were parted, her vulva not far above his face.
Pedro concentrated on the character trait of Luck. He needed some now. Would it help?
He lifted one arm and jammed three fingers into her exposed vagina. They penetrated two knuckles deep before the hole tightened reflexively to halt them.
Demi looked surprised. “Oh, shit!” Then she went limp.
He had found the first trigger! His Luck had helped. He knew better than to depend on it again; Luck was notoriously fickle.
Pedro guided her down on her back. Her legs straightened and locked together before he could get between them. He would not be able to get into her until he found the second trigger.
He kissed her mouth again, just in case. Nothing. He kissed both breasts, and sucked on each nipple. Nothing. He turned her over and tickled her bottom. Nothing. He could not get into her genital region at all. What else was there?
The triggers seemed to be things that normally turned women on. What had he not yet tried?
He doubted it would work, but he lay on top of her, his hard penis against her bell
y. He kissed her again. “You are beautiful,” he whispered.
Her legs spread. He had found another trigger.
“Thou didst get lucky,” she muttered, disgusted.
He got over her, and nudged into her vagina. It was slick but almost impenetrably tight. He would trigger his own premature orgasm before he got to operative depth. He needed the third trigger.
He kissed her mouth again. No reaction. He kissed her breasts. Nothing. He kissed her belly button. She made no reaction. Nothing was working.
He got on her again, and put his member to her vagina. He pushed in, and it went. That hole had softened! One of his actions must have done it, but it hadn’t shown externally, and she had not been obliged to tell him. What an irony, if he won the ability to get into her, and lost by default because he didn’t know!
“Damn,” she said as he slid on into the deeps.
“It’s the breaks of the game.” He kept moving, wary of any possible contraction on her part that might set him off early. She remained passive, resigned or disabled.
He thrust to the innermost chamber. He touched the trigger point.
“Thou utter, undeserving shit!” Demi gasped in his ear as she clasped him and kissed him, caught in the divine throes of the orgasm. “I've thrown away better men than thee!”
“I love you, too,” he gasped back. “You’re one great piece of ass.”
Then, at last, she smiled. “Fotina sends her regards.”
He stared at her, astonished, as the orgasm faded. “You know her?”
“Briefly, in the first round. We exchanged with two men. But she had more credits than I did, and I think made it through.”
“That’s great!”
“She loves thee, thou knowest.”
He got off her. “Why do you hate me, then?”
“Because I don’t think thou lovest her back. Thou willst break her heart. She deserves it not.”
“She’s not here?” he asked. “I won’t have to fight her?”
“That’s right. Be thou relieved or annoyed?”